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Pistorm 600 1
Amiga Kit

69.90 €

Product Code: ADAPIS600

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The Pistorm 600 adapter is a Commodore-Amiga 600 compatible rework of the popular PiStorm Revision B. It lets you connect and utilise the computational power of Raspberry Pi with your Amiga 600!
It clips over the 68000 CPU of the Amiga 600 using an inverted PLCC socket in the same way as many other Amiga 600 accelerators. Once fitted it disables the onboard CPU and allows the CPU emulator that is running on the Rapsberry Pi (Mushashi or Emu68) to take over.
This requires optional extras to operate:
■ Raspberry Pi 3 A
■ Micro SD card (we recommend a 32GB capacity) configured with PiStorm files
The Raspberry Pi plugs into the PiStorm adapter which in turn plugs into the Amiga's 68000 CPU socket, completely replacing the old 68000 chip.
Please note that the PiStorm is a community project and the downloadable software/firmware files used with this adapter maybe experimental.

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