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Triple 3x Kickstart ROM Switch 1
Triple 3x Kickstart ROM Switch 1 Triple 3x Kickstart ROM Switch 2
Amiga Kit

35.10 €

Référence produit: KCKROMSWT

Produits disponibles pour envoi depuis notre magasin de Luxembourg. Les frais de livraison seront calculés lors du paiement.
TVA Luxembourgeoise de 17% incluse dans le prix.
Pour les clients HORS Europe, veuillez cliquer ICI pour obtenir une TVA à 0%

New Kickstart ROM Switcher A500™ / A600™ / A2000 ™ for Commodore-Amiga 500, 500 Plus, 600, 1500, 2000, 2500 and CDTV.
Easy automatic switching between up to three different Kickstart ROMs by holding down Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga keys for more than 5 seconds, otherwise the Amiga will reset as standard. No switches or case modifications required.
Accepts either two or three Kickstart ROMs (not included). Connects to original Kickstart ROM socket on motherboard by plugging in the attached plug-mounted ribbon cable (installation).

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Amiga Kit, Amiga Store, A4000, A1200, A600 and A500 are trademarks of AmigaKit Ltd, used under licence.